Teens and Bullying

Teens and Bullying


Whether you are a teen, parent, physician, healthcare provider, teacher or school administrator, listen up! I want you to know that I’m coaching you on a very sensitive topic in this first blog of my ongoing series. In my teens and weight bullying series, I’m talking about bullying and its harmful effects, how common it is, who’s at risk, the different types of bullying, the causes of bullying, but, most importantly, what you can do about it. 

Did you know that any type of bullying affects your health?  

Make sure you work with your pediatrician or family doctor and/or seek help from a licensed mental health provider to address your individual situation and potential mental health effects. 

Anti-Bullying Information and Resources

I would love for you to go to stopbullying.gov to check out their helpful resources. 

Also, I’m not going to get into bullying and intersectionality in this first blog.  Intersectional bullying happens based on race, gender, income, sexual orientation, etc. I’ll talk more about intersectional bullying in upcoming blogs in this series. 

Basically, a bully is someone who is willing to weaponize what they perceive as a weakness, with their only goal to make themselves feel powerful. 

Bullies seek to control the narrative.  

Maybe they were bullied?  It’s often the case.  When I coach teens who have been bullied and parents of children and teens who have been weight bullied, I try to stay out of getting in the lane of the “bully/victim”.  In other words, stay out of trying to figure out the bully’s motivation for bullying. They have shown you who they are.  Let’s focus on what you can do.  

We can’t control or fix or solve the bully’s actions, but we can certainly create a plan that includes boundaries so it stops for you if you’re being bullied.  

One of the main reasons to set boundaries is to make sure you don’t internalize the bully’s messaging. I don’t want you to feel powerless and believe what the bully says about you or feel like if you change yourself, the bullying will stop or you will finally “fit in”.  

Another harmful consequence of weight bullying in teens is restricting yourself by dieting, which causes harm on top of harm. The bullying is harmful, let’s not create more harm for ourselves with the punishing restriction of calories. 

By the way, if you cope with the stress of bullying by overeating or binging, give yourself a massive break.  It’s okay.  You’re not alone. 

Check out my IME 5 Steps to say I aM mE, which are my 5 easy steps to full love and acceptance and the first step to self-love superpower.  

Recognize, that self-acceptance is available to you all the time.  If you’re bullied, pull out your nice warm invisible self-acceptance blanket and say, 

“I fully love and accept myself.”  

Try some other mantras like, 

“Bullying is unacceptable. I accept myself no matter what.” 

Put your hand over your heart and give yourself a nurturing hug.  

  • “I’m not powerless.  I am not stuck.” 
  • “This is so hard.  I won’t be hard on myself.” 
  • “I can set healthy boundaries for myself.” 
  • “What they said has nothing to do with me.”  
  • “I will set boundaries and let them be them and live my amazing life.”    

Causes of Bullying

Have you been bullied because of your weight? 

Or, for any reason? 

Studies show that it’s more common than we like to think. There are multiple causes of bullying.

Unfortunately, some people still believe enduring bullying is a rite of passage into adulthood. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Bullying is a preventative health issue. 

It’s important to recognize and address bullying or it can cause long-term harm. 

According to a 2012 Weight-Based Victimization (WBV) Study, published in Pediatrics, “WBV is prevalent in treatment-seeking youth, who report victimization from peers (92%), friends (70%), parents (37%), and teachers (27%).” 

If you’re a physician, let’s start by listening and validating the stories of our patients’ experience with weight-based victimization. 

Life in America is a bullying obstacle course for youth with weight struggles. 

Bullying Stories

“I’m ostracized everywhere I go because of my weight. Sitting in class. Everywhere.”-Jessica, age 18 

When I heard Jessica, one of my patients say this, it broke my heart.  It’s just not one of those bullying stories that anyone should have to endure.

Jessica (not her name) is absolutely wonderful and is living a very successful life.  She’s so strong and has been through and overcome so much in her life. The last thing she needs to deal with is weight-based bullying. 

My initial thought was give me the names of whoever is bullying you and I’ll make some calls.  I felt so protective of Jessica. If only it were that simple.  A trusted adult makes a call and it stops. 

It may not be that simple, but know that you are not alone. 

You are not alone. 

You Are Neither Alone Nor Powerless

Bunny and puppy hugging

There are trusted adults who want to help you and will create a plan to stop the bullying. It may be as simple as making a phone call, but usually you need to put a bit more planning in place. Learning how to set healthy boundaries for yourself is a skill that you are not taught in school.  More often than not, families and society can be pretty intrusive and boundaryless.  

Even if you are a victim of bullying, you are not powerless.

Set Boundaries and Work With Your Support System

I coach a lot on boundaries and relationships in IME Community.

I coach on setting some boundaries for yourself so you are able to show up with clarity for yourself. 

First, bullying is not acceptable and must be recognized and called out as unacceptable. 

Next, let’s step up as trusted adults and work with the school (teacher and/or counselor) if that’s where the bullying is happening, and create a plan to stop the bullying so school is a safe place. 

Here’s what’s needed from parents, physicians and educators to help stop bullying: 

  • Support
  • Build Skills
  • Connect to resources
  • School Involvement
  • Referral to mental health provider
  • Follow-up to check in 

How to support the “bully/victim” is important too. A harsh approach does not work. 

Make sure you check out stopbullying.gov and make sure you Join IME Community to get even more coaching to create healthy boundaries! 

IME Community is a safe space, a Body Positive Community for Teens in a Body Negative World! 

Self-love superpower, 

Dr. Karla, ActivistMD

Top 10 Self Care Tips for Teens

Top 10 Self Care Tips for Teens

What is self-care?

I know what you’re thinking.  I’ve thought it too.  

Isn’t self-care like burning a beachy candle or meditating or cheesy stuff like that? 

Or, how about,

Isn’t self-care just another thing I’m told I need to do to be happy? Isn’t self-care just another thing to check off my to-do list that I never actually get done and then feel bad about not doing? 

It can seem that way, but let’s think of self-care in a new and different way, that’s actually really helpful and fun! 

What Self Care Is…and What It Isn’t

Self-care doesn’t have to be about spending money you don’t have or taking action when you feel tired already. 

Self-care also isn’t spending hours on screens or sleeping a ton. 

Sure, screen time and taking an epic nap can be part of self-care. Avoid calling buffering or numbing out with screens and sleep (screen time or sleeping to avoid discomfort), self-care. 

Nerd alert!  

If you need more self-care research and data, here’s an article from Psychology Today with information on why self-care in teens and young adults is so needed at this time in our world. 

There are also some really helpful bonus self-care tools included in this article.  

IME Community has our own definition of self-care and Top 10 Self-Care Tips for Teens!  

IME Community’s Definition of Self-Care

Any action a human takes to improve mental or physical health and well-being! 

That’s really it and sounds awesome, doesn’t it? What are you waiting for? Let’s get going! 

And Now, the Self-Care Tips…

Here’s a GTK (good to know), the IME Community Top 10 Self-Care Tips for Teens aren’t exactly in any order of importance. 

It’s up to you to decide where to start and how many to try and practice regularly. 

With any action you take, just start, know you can’t go wrong and you get to try the next thing, add to the list, and create your own Top 10 Self-Care Tips for (fill in your name here). The key is to keep going and start showing up for yourself! 

Self-Care Tip #1: Laugh as much as possible.

  • at Funny movie lines 
  • with the class clown
  • at a Funny YouTube video

Self-Care Tip #2: Tap into your creative side.

  • Draw something; make something; write something; sing something! 
  • Create a WordCloud collage of your favorite things- cut them out from a newspaper or magazine.
  • There are no limits to your big magic creativity! 

Self-Care Tip #3: Let Music transform your brain.

  • Create a playlist that pumps you up. 
  • Create a playlist that chills you out.

Self-Care Tip #4: Take a social media cleanse. 

  • Connect with friends!
  • Get outside and make a connection with nature!
  • Try cooking a new food or lots of new foods!

Self-Care Tip #5: Hang with your pets. 

  • Visit an animal shelter.
  • Be of service in your community.
  • Think outside of yourself.

Self-Care Tip #6: Practice daily Gratitude. 

  • Write down 3 things you are grateful for every day.
  • Ask yourself an Empowering Question of the day (How can I show up as my best self today?).
  • Write your own self-love superpower mantra (positive belief) on a post-it note. 

Self-Care Tip #7: Declutter the junk 

  • Write your to do list from what you’ve done today and then cross it off to show yourself how much action you take!
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes and declutter one space (your room, desk, backpack, laundry basket).
  • Practice personal hygiene by taking good care of your skin, taking a shower, wearing your favorite clothes. 

Self-Care Tip #8: Be your future self now 

  • Who are you at the end of 2022?  How will you feel at the end of 2022?  
  • Create that same feeling now! Fake it ‘til you make it. 
  • Wear clothes you love and you feel comfortable in now.   

Self-Care Tip #9: Take time for self-discovery.

Pretend you’re a famous guest on your favorite podcast and grab that hairbrush or spatula from the kitchen as a mic, check yourself out in front of the bathroom mirror and answer these questions: 

  • What do you want? 
  • What are you proud of? 
  • What do you do to be creative? 
  • What do you do for fun? 

Self-Care Tip #10: Calm down and move your body.

  • Practice meditation for a few minutes a day by using an app like Headspace. 
  • Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique by breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. 
  • Get your body moving with minimum baseline movement (a few stretches will do it- heck, twerk for all I care. You can get out of bed and do it, while you’re brushing your teeth (please tell me you are brushing your teeth) or before you go to bed or when you get home from school during breaks with studying. Your body was made to move. Remember, all movement counts. Doesn’t have to be a big deal.)
Final Challenge – You Are Lovable Always: IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 12

Final Challenge – You Are Lovable Always: IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 12

IME/UBU Monday

  • We are talking Relationships and boundaries for Week 12 of the IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge!
  • What do relationships and boundaries have to do with reversing your insulin resistance, reaching your health goals and losing weight?  I’ve told you before and I’m gonna tell you again this week that taking action on a goal you are setting for yourself is all about your relationship with yourself.  You know putting on your oxygen mask first?  We have to learn to do that and when we believe or stay attached to fixed and limited beliefs that it’s selfish to put our oxygen mask on first, then we aren’t helpful to anyone.
  • Your relationship with food is your relationship with yourself.  That’s the most important thing I can coach you on is that you are worthy and 100% lovable now and always.
  • We’ve coached on fully loving and accepting ourselves and how self-acceptance is like a warm self-acceptance blanket that is always readily available to you.  No action needed ever.  Then, we talked about self-love superpower and now we are digging deeper and talking about our relationship with ourselves and others.
  • What is a relationship?  How we feel about another person is created by our thoughts about them and same with ourselves.  Our relationship with ourselves is based on our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.  It also has to do with our expectations we have for other people and ourselves too and if other people meet our expectations we have for them or we have for ourselves.  Sounds like lots of judging doesn’t it? Remember, when we are judging others we are often judging ourselves.  

Love yourself no matter what Tuesday

  • What is unconditional love and how do you have unconditional love for yourself?  If you don’t have unconditional love for yourself then you won’t have unconditional love for other people.  I know. I know. You’re thinking that it sounds selfish or even self-absorbed or borderline narcissistic to have unconditional love for yourself.  But, guess what? That’s only because the beliefs we have about what unconditional love is are off, just like a lot of things we have learned in our society.  We don’t challenge or question beliefs that don’t serve us and then we stay attached to those even though they don’t serve us.
  • Unconditional love is not an action.  It just is.  Unconditional self-love is internalizing the belief you are 100% lovable no matter what.  That’s it. Having unconditional love for yourself has nothing to do with your achievements, achieving your goals, your weight, your grades, the number of friends you have, nothing.  It just is.  It’s letting go of beliefs that don’t serve you and having your own back no matter what.  

Setting healthy boundaries Wednesday

  • First, what is a boundary?  It’s not a wall. Boundaries define what is me and what is not me. 
  • By the way, check out the book, “Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend.  “Boundaries” has been one of the absolutely most helpful books in my life! 
  • Do you set boundaries for yourself? I coach teens on friend drama, especially on social media.  “Why did she block me?” How do you want to show up? Kind and firm instead of feeling like you need to be nice all the time. You may decide and you get to decide if this keeps happening that your boundary is that you decide to let her know that it’s hurtful and there is a consequence, like not engaging in the drama anymore.  This is all boundary setting.  Her friend is an example of a controller who is someone who doesn’t respect other people’s boundaries.  There are aggressive and manipulator controllers and if you are an Avoidant who says no to the good or a Compliant who often says yes to the bad (boundaryless for ourselves), then we are susceptible to the controllers. 
  • Did you know we were created to have boundaries and boundaries are not selfish.  It’s not mean to set and follow through on a boundary.  It’s more mean, especially to yourself, to not set and follow through on boundaries.  Boundaries are powerful and a part of self-love superpower and loving others.  Setting healthy boundaries is a part of creating healthy relationships and loving others.  
  • What are examples of boundaries?  “Boundaries are anything that helps to differentiate you from someone else, or shows where you begin and end.  Physical boundaries: Skin; Words; Truth; Geographical Distance; Time; Emotional Distance; Other people (Like IME Community); Consequences

Stay in your lane Thursday 

  • I’m sure you’ve heard and have been told to mind your own business.  It’s actually super helpful, but doesn’t come that easily, at least not to me. I hated it when I was little and my Mom would say, “Just mind your own busines.” 
  • One of the most important coaching sayings I learned was, “Stay in your lane”.  Have you been learning to drive? Not there yet? Well, you get the gist of “Stay in your lane”, I’m sure.  
  • One of the ways that we can cause ourselves a lot of unnecessary drama in life, and we all do this, is to live in other people’s business.  When we are not tending to our business and are instead in other people’s lanes, that’s when we can get into accidents.  We don’t control other people and they don’t control us.  Quite frankly it’s a relief.  Let people be wrong about you and let people be who they are, because they are going to be who they are whether we like it or not. 

Let go of The Checklist for TGIF

  • Have you heard of what I call The checklist?  Probably not because I made it up.  The Checklist is when we have a list of expectations for other people and often for ourselves and we walk around with a clipboard (not really, just giving you a powerful visual here) and judge and check off whether they arise to our expectations or not.  We believe that other people are responsible for what we think and feel and our results.  It’s a way to blame other people or make it mean that we have more evidence that something is broken or wrong about us.  
  • When you have expectations for others and ourselves and we put conditions on loving other people and ourselves based on whether they or we arise to our expectations.  Here’s the news for the day: You are powerless over others.  Completely powerless.  Having expectations of others is okay except when you put conditions on it and spend your time trying to navigate and control others because you believe what they say and how they behave will make you feel a certain way or help you avoid making you feel a certain way.  But, guess what? That’s not reality.  Your thoughts create your feelings, not the actions of anyone else.  

Stop your people pleaser ways Saturday 

  • People pleasing is not selfless.  It’s actually selfish.  Can you believe it?  It’s all about you and you controlling others.  Guess what?  I’m a huge people pleaser, or at least I have been a huge people pleaser for a long time, until the magic of coaching and I got called out.  It’s a pattern I learned from when I was growing up.  Maybe you too.  It was my role and I thought was a good way to show up.  
  • Try this non people pleasing belief upgrade: “The only person I have to please is myself!” 

Self-appreciation Sunday

  • What do you appreciate about yourself? 
    • Make a list of all of the things you appreciate about yourself.  Let’s try at least 10 different ways you appreciate yourself. Write it down and keep it available to you so you have evidence of your unconditional self-love and appreciation. 
  • Here’s your playlist for the week

You are 100% lovable, always and forever.

Self-love superpower,

Dr. Karla

Watch the Video Replay

Previous: Week 11 – Stress Less Sleep More

Stress Less Sleep More: IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 11

Stress Less Sleep More: IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 11

Here’s a common question I get a lot and I’ve asked myself too.

Where do I start when I want to make a change like losing weight, improving my metabolic health, or just plain feeling better?  

Have you heard Eat Less Move More? We all have.  Who can argue with this public health message?  I guess I can.  It’s a good message, just not that helpful.  It’s like, “Okay, um, sure. I’ll just Eat Less Move More and now I’m good to go!”

Why didn’t I think of that? (Sarcasm alert here)

I certainly know when I started my weight and life coaching journey, exacty four years ago (Woot! Woot!) I needed way more support than Eat Less Move More to make transformational health changes.  

I created IME Community to offer healthy weight coaching for teens with Dr. Karla and give all of the same level of support I had to create a healthy life!

Stress Less, Sleep More

I switched the messaging this week from Eat Less Move More to Stress Less Sleep More for Week 11 of the IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge! 

Learning how to Stress Less Sleep More is a very important part of your overall health and health transformation and life goals. In fact, diet culture keeps us fixated on just one area and that’s focusing on the number of calories, but, what is really effective is focusing on all of our health, including Stress Less Sleep More.

Plus, stress and sleep go together, just like PB&J, so let’s get started with the week!

This week we are talking about stress reduction and sleep hygiene and why it’s so important and how to do it and what we’re going to gain from it. 

If you’re a parent of a teen, you may be thinking, “Sleep hygiene? I’m just trying to get my kid to wear deodorant on the daily!” (No personal experience infused here. JK) 

Remember, you are worthy of your healthy life! I’ve coached you on taking massive action and starting with one goal at a time. Starting with taking action on a goal to Stress Less Sleep More means you are taking massive action on your health goals!

You have the power to choose where to start.

Don’t get stressed as I’m teaching you about stress.  

Let’s take a breath in and then exhale.  

Now that you’re fully relaxed, let’s talk about stress!

Cortisol is our body’s stress hormone and the problem is our bodies are not meant to constantly be exposed to stress hormones, like in the case of chronic toxic stress that we will talk about on Thursday of the week as it relates to ACES or the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. 

Cortisol raises insulin levels and we are now week 11 of the Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge, so we know that constantly elevated levels of insulin usually translates to weight gain and poor health consequences.

There is a healthy amount of stress, but when we are continually exposed to cortisol, studies show that we become at risk to suffer from chronic diseases.

That’s enough talk of stress for the day.  

Remember, you are never stuck. I always believe in your unlimited potential to live your magical healthy life!

Make sure if you are a teen, 12 to 18, or parent of a teen, Join IME Community where you will find it easy and fun to start creating results right away and get me coaching you on zoom!

Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 11 Plan

Stress Less Sleep More Monday

  • Instead of Eat Less Move More (okay, um, sure), let’s try simple messages that are actually helpful. Stress Less Sleep More is a message we can all wrap our minds and bodies around just like a nice warm self-acceptance blanket that is always readily available to you.
  • Stress and sleep play an important role in our overall health, as much and maybe even more than eating and movement, but all we ever hear about from diet culture is to focus on restricting calories, which, for me, anyway creates more stress in my life. It’s unfun (a nufnu) and life is meant to be fun, so no thanks on what feels restrictive.  I’m excited to take a holistic approach to health with the challenge this week.  Our health includes a lot of measures including sleep and stress levels and is one of the reasons why weight and health are not exactly correlated and you should never judge someone’s health based on the external.  We literally know nothing about anyone else’s health! Heck, a lot of times we hardly know anything about our own health.
  • Where will you write our new and fun and actually helpful message so you remember this most important aspect of your health?
  • Here’s your easy action step for the day: Put Stress Less Sleep More on a post-it note!

“Wake me up before you go go!” Tuesday

  • Let’s talk the science of sleep! I’m going to speak with a really excited voice so you don’t fall asleep while talking about sleep. You’ve probably heard about sleep hygiene. No biggie if you haven’t.  Sleep hygiene means cleaning up your sleep routine.  This is the massive action goal I’m working on now, and, let me tell you, I have some work to do. Let’s do it together.
  • How much sleep do we need? Depends on your age, but teens need around 10 to 12 hours a night.
  • Screen time and sleep? Screen time recommendations are so limited for children and teens and if you are a doctor or a parent listening, let’s not ruin our credibility and tell, especially teens, that they should not be getting more than a couple of hours a day. That’s true, but it’s just we have seen an uptick in screen time with COVID and we are all feeling pretty overwhelmed. How can we help our teens create a balance?  What can you do instead of screen time before bed?  What are the steps you might take to do that?  Get specific.  What is your current thinking and feelings about staying off your phone a couple of hours before bed?  How can you decide ahead of time?  Parents obviously create the boundaries around screen time and can help our teens create a balance. I am in the middle of this with you. Smack dab dealing with this too for myself and with my teens who get their stuff done and see no problem.
  • My daughter, Audrey, did some research for IME Community around junk food marketing to teens on social media. The words I would use are tactical and subterranean.  The ads embed the cueing and stimuli of the urge/craving conditioned overdesire for processed carb filled foods in our brains.  So, you are being influenced and you don’t even know it. Just something to keep in mind.  Ha! You get my little pun there?
  • How is sleep deprivation related to weight gain and poor health? Our hunger hormone levels (ghrelin and leptin) may be off that tell us when we’re hungry or full. We have more time to eat when we’re not sleeping as much.  That one cracks me up. We spend the next day in energy seeking behaviors, like eating quick energy foods that don’t serve us and our goals, especially sugary foods.
  • Do you buffer with sleep? How do you know? If you are buffering with sleep, that probably means you spend a lot of time in bed, but still feel tired and are not getting done what you want and need to do.
  • How much sleep do you usually get?
  • What’s your sleep routine?
  • Ask yourself, how can I improve my sleep hygiene? In other words, declutter up that sleep routine!
  • Quiet or noise machine, limit screens a couple of hours before bed, Limit caffeine intake, keep the room cool and dark, shower before bed, wear loose pj’s, sleep meditation, see the light in the morning to help wake up?

“Under Pressure” Wednesday

  • One time when ipods were as fancy of technology as there was out there, my family and I were on a plane and my husband looked at my ipod and said, “My God, Karla, you’ve listened to “Under Pressure” over and over.” I love the song, but it was actually healing to me because I was really feeling, at the point in my life that the weight of the world was on my shoulders.  That was just a thought, but I didn’t know that at the time because I hadn’t learned anything about the transformational power of life coaching. Really, I do love “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie.
  • So, I mentioned before that cortisol is our stress hormone and it serves a function to keep us safe. Cortisol increases insulin which causes us to gain weight.  That’s not usually a problem, unless we have chronically elevated cortisol.  So, reducing stress is important.  A healthy dose of stress is okay and we can’t get away from or control all of the stress in our lives, but we can take action to reduce stress.
  • Stress relief is an action. It’s not sitting in front of a screen.  Whether it’s moving your body, getting outside and connecting with nature, your friends or family, practicing deep breaths, meditation, drawing, writing, music, journaling and doing thought downloads, it’s all a part of active stress reduction.

What’s your ACES score? Thursday

  • Today’s message comes with a trauma warning. Have you heard of the ACES study?  ACES stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences Study and was a study done by Kaiser measuring 17,000 patients ACES scores and then determining the score with health outcomes in adulthood.  ACES measures 10 different areas of trauma in childhood in the areas of abuse, neglect, exposure to domestic violence, substance abuse, mental illness, and whether a parent was incarcerated.  The study showed that if you have a score of 2 or more, you are at risk for adverse physical and mental outcomes as an adult, and this includes chronic diseases such as obesity.  Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician and current surgeon general of California took the ACES study to children and showed the adverse effects of chronic toxic stress.
  • My ACES score is 7 out of 10. That does make me sad when I see that score.  I know that becoming obese was tied to the trauma and chronic toxic stress I experienced growing up.  What you want to do is find a trauma-informed therapist to work with to set yourself on a path to intentionally heal. It is possible and you are not stuck.
  • Check out my IME Community YouTube interview with Brandon McDermott, author of “Abandon Brandon”, TikTok, IG and Radio Star to learn about his story and how he is intentionally healing. It’s so powerful!

Changing your brain Friday

  • Have you heard the term neuroplasticity? It’s a cool word.  Our brains are changing and malleable and adaptable, but we have to challenge our brains to try new things and think in different ways to create new pathways and connections.  I love the book, “Livewired” by Dr. David Eagleman, a neuroscientist, researcher and writer.  Check it out if you get the chance.
  • We spend a lot of time managing the world in our brains, sometimes arguing with reality. Our brains offer up tens of thousands of thoughts per day which create the response in our body which is our feelings.  We are not our thoughts and don’t have to stay attached to thoughts that don’t serve us.
  • Start rewiring your brain by creating awareness of what’s going on in there with daily thought downloads or brain dumps for 1, 3, or 5 minutes. I challenge you to do daily thought dumps for a week and then go back and see what are actual facts that can be proven and what is the story your brain is telling you.  This is powerful work and the first step in creating thought awareness and the results you want!

“Let it go!” Perfectionism, that is, Saturday

  • You know you’re a perfectionist if……..
  • Do you have some patterns that are keeping you stuck? I’m talking patterns like perfectionism? Have you labeled yourself as a procrastinator? If you hesitate to get going and have a lot of fear of criticism and failure and feel like you have to get an A+ on the first draft and you should know everything before you even started to learn it, then you may be a perfectionist.
  • Here’s the good news. You are not stuck.  Once you recognize how perfectionism comes up in you and when you have your own back and move forward with self-love superpower, then you become less afraid of the criticism of others.  When failure is only learning and you are always curious and kind to yourself, then you will keep taking action.  There is no perfect.  Perfect doesn’t exist.  Try B- work on that first draft.
  • “I don’t have to be perfect, I just have to be perfectly kind to myself.”

Healing on purpose playlist Sunday

  • Ah, we made it. Let’s exhale.  This has been a really tough week talking about sleep and stress and all of the things.  Have you heard the term, time heals all wounds? I think it definitely helps there’s no doubt, but what also helps is healing with intention or healing on purpose.  Don’t be hard on yourself or listen to that negative self-talk brain if you’ve had a tough time.
  • Welcome your human emotions and allow them. You are entitled to your human journey.  It’s time for self-love superpower. Other things to consider are sound therapy, EFT (emotional freedom tapping), yoga, meditation, gratitude journaling as a means to cultivating joy.
  • Here’s a relaxing playlist of a few anxiety busting songs for your listening and relaxing pleasure. Strawberry Swing by Coldplay; Someone like you by Adele; Weightless by Marconi Union.  Try creating a playlist of songs you love that chill you out.

Get ready for the week! I would love to coach you to create any result you want!

Self-love superpower,
Dr. Karla, ActivistMD

Watch the Video Replay

Up Next: Week 12 – You Are 100% Lovable Now and Forever
Previous: Week 10 – Self Love Superpower

Top 10 Self Care Tips for Teens

Self Love Superpower: IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 10

Hi and welcome to the most powerful week of the Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge! I know I say that every week and I can’t believe we’re at week 10 already! Welcome to self-love superpower! I promise you that this week is the most powerful and important.  Once you learn self-love superpower and that you can hop into the phone booth like Clark Kent and become Superman whenever your world needs saving, it’s so powerful.  Self-love superpower is always available to you.  

What Is Self-Love Superpower?

Self-love superpower is a daily intentional habit practice.  There’s no arrival point.  It’s a skill and we are often taught the opposite in our society.  We’re taught that listening to the negative self-talk inner critic is what motivates us to take action.  Research (yes, amazing coaching research) shows that coaching with compassion creates positive emotion activation, which is what it takes to take action on a goal.  In other words, when the going gets tough, you don’t need to be whipped into shape by Judge Judy in your brain.  You need a nurturing hug and self-compassion to create any result you want.  

Self-love superpower is not like a switch where you just automatically start loving yourself, especially if you’ve been believing the Judge Judy negative self-talk critic in your brain who starts blabbing on whenever you want to make a change.  Remember, thoughts are optional and you are not your thoughts.  Beliefs are powerful thoughts on a loop in our brain and if you keep believing beliefs (fun play on words here) that don’t serve you, you will keep creating current results you don’t want.  

Week 10 of the IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge: Self-Love Superpower

5 steps to say I am Me Monday

Do you fully love and accept yourself no matter what? 

Here’s the exciting news.  You can fully love and accept yourself starting right now.  All you have to do is follow the IME Community five easy steps to full self-acceptance.

What does self-acceptance mean to you?

Did you know that self-acceptance has absolutely nothing to do with your weight?

So, let’s get started with the IME 5 steps to say I aM mE

  1. Understand that self-acceptance is always available to you
  2. Choose to believe you don’t have to wait until you hav reached a goal to fully accept yourself.
  3. Stop staying stuck believing something that isn’t serving you.
  4. Start creating and accepting beliefs that serve you and your dreams.
  5. Create a daily self-acceptance habit.

Try these IME Community self-acceptance mantras:

  • I fully love and accept myself.
  • I love and accept myself.
  • I am learning to fully love and accept myself.

Make up your own self-acceptance mantra that feels believable to you! 

Now, you’re ready to go out into the world and remember that your warm self-acceptance blanket is always there for you! 

What is self-compassion Tuesday

  • My all-time favorite self-compassion guru and researcher is Dr. Kristin Neff.  Along with incredible coaching from my life and well-being coach (Kristin Webster, MA, CLC), Dr. Neff’s work has transformed my life.  You may want to check out her most recent book, “Fierce Self-Compassion”.  She describes self-compassion in three areas: self-kindness, mindfulness and common humanity.  I recommend checking out her website self-compassion.org and testing your level of self-compassion.  I did and found out I was low on self-kindness.
  • One thing that has been very helpful when learning to practice self-compassion is when a situation feels hard, talk to yourself like you would a friend who is going through the same situation.  We would never talk to a friend who is having a hard time the same way we talk to ourselves.  They probably wouldn’t be a friend for much longer. Am I right?
  • What are the times you have helped a friend with compassion?
  • Start talking with compassion to yourself in the same way you talked to your friend who was having a tough time.

Building Self-trust Wednesday

  • What would it be like to create evidence that you can trust yourself to show up for you and your goal?  Yesterday, I coached you on self-compassion, which is a daily intentional habit practice.  You build self-trust when you practice self-compassion.  Maybe you call it self-kindness or full self-acceptance.  It doesn’t matter. What it means is that instead of attaching to negative self-talk thoughts that come up when things are not going your way, you recognize you’re being hard on yourself, and then mobilize your self-love superpower thoughts.  
  • Instead of, “You’ll never get this in on time because you’re so lazy,” try, “I have my back and won’t be hard on myself no matter when I turn it in.”

What’s your self-love mantra Thursday

  • Self-love superpower is a daily intentional habit practice.  There’s no arrival point.  It’s a skill and we are often taught the opposite in our society.  We’re taught that listening to the negative self-talk inner critic is what motivates us to take action.  Research (yes, amazing coaching research) shows that coaching with compassion creates positive emotion activation, which is what it takes to take action on a goal.  In other words, when the going gets tough, you don’t need to be whipped into shape by Judge Judy in your brain.  You need a nurturing hug and self-compassion to create any result you want.
  • Self-love superpower is not like a switch where you just automatically start loving yourself, especially if you’ve been believing the Judge Judy negative self-talk critic in your brain who starts blabbing on whenever you want to make a change.  Remember, thoughts are optional and you are not your thoughts.  Beliefs are powerful thoughts on a loop in our brain and if you keep believing beliefs (fun play on words here) that don’t serve you, you will keep creating current results you don’t want.
  • This practice takes the power away from the negative and allows you to create a new more positive focus.  When I am being hard on myself, I feel it physically in my body.  I feel very tired right away, my jaw clenches and tightens up and it feels like I am pushing my way through even the most minimal tasks that shouldn’t take that much energy.  What’s happening is I’m resisting my emotions, which is like holding a beach ball under water.  It’s a major energy zapper.
  • It was Carl Jung who said, what you focus on, we create more of.  You can create a self-love superpower pathway in your brain.
  • What are your self-compassion mantras (powerful affirmations) that you can say to yourself to disrupt the power of the negative self-talk?  
    • “This is really hard right now. “
    • “I don’t cause and I don’t control all of the things in life.”
    • “It’s okay.”
    • “I don’t need to fix anything.” 
    • “I am enough.” 
    • “May I be kind to myself as I’m working through this.”
  • Here’s the self-love superpower steps:  
    • Acknowledge
    • Pause
    • Shift
    • Create
    • Rewire

Be Kind to Yourself First Friday

  • Self-kindness isn’t cheesy or syrupy.  It’s not staring at yourself in the mirror and chanting self-kindness affirmations.  Feel free to do that if it is helpful.  You look marvelous, by the way!
  • Self-love starts with loving yourself unconditionally.  In our society and many of our families, we believe that self-love is selfish.  It’s not at all.  It’s the opposite.  Self-love is the most loving practice you can be to others.  This is so important.  It’s like putting on your oxygen mask first so you can help others with theirs.  If you don’t have oxygen, you won’t be any help to anyone.  Self-love is fuel for our meaningful and purposeful lives and self-kindness is one of the most important steps in moving towards self-love superpower.  Self-kindness is learned and is to be practiced.  It’s always available to you.

What are the ways you practice self-kindness every day?  Hint: self-kindness is not self-care.

Stop self-judging Saturday

  • I love coaching teens because teens soak up the life coaching skills like a sponge. It’s so fun! I was recently coaching a member of IME Community and she wanted some coaching on time management.  She always gets her homework done, but was stuck in a pattern of judging herself as a procrastinator and was really listening to her Judge Judy inner critic.  She was really believing that inner critic negative self-talk.  I asked her powerful coaching questions, “What are you making it mean?” There was a lot of self-judging and labeling herself as a procrastinator.  I told her, “Can you think about it in a different way that serves you?” “Can you see how your attachment to the belief keeps creating the result you don’t want?” “What would it be like to create a belief that serves you and your goals?” She decided to do a belief upgrade and recognize when Judge Judy thoughts are coming up, write them down, and the create a self-love superpower belief upgrade instead.  Once you have awareness, then you have the choice to let fixed and limited beliefs go and create beliefs that create the results you want.  It’s so powerful!
  • Now, list five beliefs about you and your goals and try a self-love superpower belief upgrade:

Have your own back no matter what Sunday

  • “Don’t stop believing” unless it’s a belief that doesn’t serve you and “Hold onto that feeling” if you want to.  I love Steve Perry’s voice and everyone knows this song about a small town girl  living in a lonely world who took the midnight train going anywhere and that city boy born and raised in south Detroit.
  • We’ve been talking a lot in the coaching calls about rejecting diet thinking and culture.  That’s an important first step along with learning self-love superpower instead of listening to that negative self-talk, inner critic that seems to always come up when we take action on our goals.
  • When we’re being hard on ourselves, we can recognize or acknowledge when that negative voice comes up, create a pause and practice our self-compassion or self-love mantras.  This is a skill that allows us to build self-trust and know we will have our own back as we move along toward our goals.  So powerful!

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Up Next: Week 11 – Stress Less Sleep More

Previous: Week 9 – Diffusing Low Carb Confusion