Stop Self-Judging “You’re so judge-y I bet you think this song is about yourself.”

Stop Self-Judging “You’re so judge-y I bet you think this song is about yourself.”

I never know how to spell judgement.  Is it with an “e” in the middle or not? Will you clarify this for me, once and for all?  My only problem is I won’t remember your answer.  You know how words start sounding weird the more you say them or they just look weird on paper?  Oh well.  That’s enough of that.  I’m definitely not judging myself over what spellcheck can have my back on.

Do you ever judge yourself?   Are you human?  If yes is your answer to my second question, then, your answer is yes to my first question.

To be human is to judge.  Wow! That sounds so judgmental of all humans!

So, well, of course, you judge yourself on all sorts of things.  Some days may even feel like a self-judging smorgasboard.  Sometimes, you may think everyone is judging you?  Hold up.  That’s the next podcast, YouTube and IME blog called Are You Me? 

Self-judging is kind of like when you fight with your sister or brother and they have you pinned down and are taking your hand and slapping your face with it (not too hard, hopefully) and saying, “Why you keep hittin’ yourself?”  That scenario is kind of funny, but hitting yourself verbally in your mind as you are going about your day is one of the least funny things I can think of.  It’s the opposite of fun.  I would call it nufnu, or unfun spelled backwards which I talked about in my You say it’s not your Birthday! Who cares! Party time! podcast.  Anyway, when we are doing a lot of self-judging, it can cause unnecessary pain for ourselves and is an energy drain and keeps us from getting to where we want to go and do what we want to do, like even simply getting off our phone to get a paper written. 

So, why do we self-judge and when do we know we’ve taken it so far that we are actually not able to do what we wish to do or maybe we are causing ourselves harm?

Self-judging may come up in your body.  It feels like a weighted blanket to me. So, can’t I just throw it off?  Sometimes!  Other times it’s more insidious and I have to just check it at the door, like a coat I’m fine with leaving at a swanky party if I lose my ticket to redeem it at the coat check at the end of the party.  Nah, I’m fine.  That old thing?  Who needs that?  Not me.

Self-judging is always going to happen.  The problem is it can be a pain point we create for ourselves if we are in the habit of taking it too far.  Simple awareness or recognition and checking those thoughts at the door can help.  I’m onto you, Brain.  I see what you are doing.  It’s okay. You’re trying to keep me safe.  You think there’s something scary happening and I’m simply telling you “Nope, nothing is going wrong here.” 

Self-judging must serve a purpose.  I mean as cave-humans there must have been some days on the hunt, when the cave-human brain said or grunted when the hunt was an epic fail and they came back empty- handed, “Hey, maybe try to sharpen up that spear next time, you big Dummy.” (very evolved language-wise cave-humans)

I can help you to stop judging yourself. Judging yourself too much results in ongoing pain and suffering that isn’t necessary and will be a roadblock for you to reach your goals.

You’ve got to hand it to yourself.  Why would you want to make any sort of change or take action or lose weight or try something, when your own brain is judging you harshly the whole time?  It’s like you are your own worst enemy.  It’s literally like having Judge Judy renting a penthouse apartment in your brain.

Some people call this self-judging voice the inner critic, The Voice (Geneen Roth), or just negative self-talk.  We all have it.

Self-judging is secondary comes from most often or starts with a feeling.  It could be shame that’s coming up.  We are never taught to process our feelings. In fact, we’re taught that it’s weak to feel our feelings.  So, judging comes from feeling shame and it’s resistance.  It’s like white knuckling on the way up the big roller coaster hill, squeezing that bar so tightly, and then also resisting and white knuckling the entire way down.  We’re kind of taught to be like that one person in those pics they take at amusement parks on the way down.  You know the one person in the group who has the look of complete shock and terror and is gripping on for dear life while everyone else has both arms up and is screaming with a mix of terror and excitement.  I’m usually the gripper. 

So, how do you know when your self-judging is helpful?

Maybe you think it’s motivating you?  You can probably tell if it’s too much by how you feel most likely.  Or, just by how much negative self-talk and mind chatter is coming up for you throughout the day.  Do you feel weighted down like there’s a heavy weighted blanket?  Are you stuck and don’t know or aren’t figuring out the next step to take towards a goal? Then, your self-judging is too much. 

Notice when you’re self-judging and don’t try to fix.  Create a pause and that will give you some space to lighten it up and soften up instead of being hard on yourself.  Practice your self-acceptance habit skill and give yourself a nice nurturing hug with your warm invisible blanket. Join IME Community where I’ll teach you how to stop self-judging, slay your goals and chase your dreams and have some fun!  Let’s go!

Say I am me. Get your self-acceptance blanket out.  It’s warm.  It’s invisible and always there for you.  I fully love and accept myself.  Write it on a post-it note and carry it with you during the day.  Sleep with it stuck to your forehead if you need to.  These are the first steps to self-love, which is your superpower.  You are worthy of learning to love yourself.  I hope you already do and you’re ready to knock down those goals!  Let’s go!  You came to the right place.  As world’s most impatient person, I will waste zero of your time.

Life-Coaching Logan, IME Social Media Strategist

Life-Coaching Logan, IME Social Media Strategist

I recently coached Logan, IME Community Social Media Strategist, who wanted some life coaching on procrastinating and some help staying off his phone.  He’s taking 17 hours (5 classes) as a sophomore at UNL this semester and is having a hard time getting stuff done.  He doesn’t hand things in late, has always done really well in school, and really likes to learn the material.  He always gets it done, so there’s that too.  I asked him why it’s a problem at all if he always gets it done.  The problem he said is he’s in a pattern of making it harder on himself and spending only a couple of hours on a paper that he thinks he should have been working on for a whole week.  He then feels badly about himself.  When he thinks about his class load this semester or a paper that was due a couple of hours from when I coached him, he thinks, “If I can’t learn the way I want to, then what would be the point.”  So, his problem is he’s not showing up as his authentic self and is stuck in a pattern that may have worked fine for him in the past, but isn’t going to work for him as his classes get harder. Logan was blaming his class load when that’s a circumstance, and the real problem is that he is creating a feeling of defeated from his thought, “If I can’t learn the way I want to, then what’s the point.” 

Here are my notes I sent Logan after the life coaching session:


Here’s your unintentional thought model.  It shows how your current thinking creates your current results and not the circumstance of the class load or the paper.  

Circumstance:  17 hours and 5 classes

Thought: If I can’t learn the way I like to, then what’s the point.

Feeling: Defeated

Action: buffer by going on phone; feel bad about myself; blame class load

Result:  I’m not positioning myself to learn the way I want.  

You had some beautiful awareness of thoughts.  You also said your thought was, “This is for later,” and “This is a lot,” when you sit down to work on the paper.  The feeling that comes from that thought is overwhelm. 

Thoughts will come up as will uncomfortable feelings as you sit down to work on a paper or study.  There’s nothing going wrong.  A thought is just a sentence in your mind or a cloud going by or a rainbow.  You don’t have to believe it or make it mean anything. Also, we talked about the motivational triad and how our brains are literally status quo comfort machines that will keep us avoiding pain, seeking comfort, and seeking pleasure.  You can be curious observer and just say, “Hey, Brain.  I’m onto you.  I see what you’re doing here.  There’s nothing going wrong.” 

We also talked about buffering which is something we do that creates a relief or happiness, that little zing of dopamine, false pleasure when we are trying to get out of feeling an uncomfortable emotion.  You said you feel relief and happiness as you go to your phone. 

To create an intentional model, try on a new thought that serves you and that you believe and that is in alignment with your ideal self, who, as you said, is someone who really likes to learn. You can also ask yourself, “What’s my desired outcome?”   Then, think of what’s in your way.  First, it’s your thoughts and then there are other obstacles and challenges that you can turn into strategies. 

Circumstance:  17 hours and 5 classes





You can start on any line you want.  If you want to start on the result line, no problem.  Then, go to what actions will create the result you want, and what feeling drives those actions, and what thought creates the feeling you want. This is all the best news ever. Logan, all you have to do is unlock the power of your mind and you have all the power you need to create any result you want!

Self-Love Superpower,

Dr. Karla

Blog on Thoughts, The Power of Your Mind

Blog on Thoughts, The Power of Your Mind

The way you operate in your internal and external worlds always starts in the internal world of thoughts.  Your thoughts then create your feelings.  The information from your thoughts and feelings leads you to choose your behaviors.  This is the progression of how we live:


Everything starts with a thought.  The National Science Foundation found we have about 50 thoughts every minute.  That’s up to 50, 000 thought a day!   That’s a lot of thoughts!  If your mind is constantly scampering around like a squirrel on caffeine, how can you find the feelings of peace and serenity? 

Everything starts with a thought.  There are incredibly healthy thoughts like, “I want to eradicate polio.”  This led to the behavior of creating a vaccine which stopped the spinal chord motor neuron disease.  There are also incredibly unhealthy thoughts like, “Jews are bad.”  This led to the behavior of creating concentration camps and the killing millions of Jews.

The number of thoughts we have each day is staggering.  The power of these thoughts is also staggering.   Can you imagine being able to shape, control, and access the power of your thinking?  Can you imagine living with a mind that is quiet and composed?   

The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.   Thoughts, The Power of Your Mind uses the wisdom of thought leaders through the ages.  Each chapter contains a provocative quote from a philosopher, artist, author, spiritual leader, scientist, statesman, or theologian to help you train your mind to be a wonderful servant. 

With the help of this book, you are going to explore the power of your thoughts.  You will “see’ your thoughts and that will create room to work with those thoughts.  You will have the flexibility to decide whether to act on that thought or discard it and create a healthier one.  Believe it or not, you will create a life that is more centered, quiet, and peaceful. 

Are you me? Clearly you are not. Sorry about your bad luck.

Are you me? Clearly you are not. Sorry about your bad luck.

I wanted to share with you more about what happens when we believe that others are judging us.  I’m not talking about bullying.  Speaking of bullying, here is a helpful link to Helping Everyone Achieve Respect:  I’ve been bullied and it’s definitely painful.  Remember, find your helpers and seek out and create your communities that recognize your humanity.  Bullying is not neutral and has to be called out and addressed.  What I’m talking about in this blog is the pain we create when we choose to think we are constantly being judged by others. 

What anyone says is a circumstance and is actually neutral, though it doesn’t feel that way and is more complex.  It’s not what they say, though that can be triggering, it’s our thoughts about what they said that create the feeling and that’s what drives the actions to make what we think someone else is doing, saying or thinking mean about us as an individual.

In fact, we really have no idea what anyone else’s experience, thoughts, or what they are thinking about us.  We are completely powerless over others, which is the good news.  Because, everyone else is completely powerless over you.  Now, I’m not talking about your parents, teachers and the rules we follow.  Of course, we all have consequences for our actions.  I’m talking about the fact that other people are powerless over your thoughts and feelings and actions and results. 

We are humans and we want to fit in and we want others’ approval, and when someone says something or acts in a certain way, or we just think they are judging us, we think if only they knew the real me or I could change, then nobody would be judging me.  As you are going about your day, hum, hum, hum, the thought that they are judging me, can cause you to have a feeling of judging yourself and then your actions are probably going to be to jump out of your own lane, your own life, your own power, and convince and defend. 

They may be judging you.  Who knows?  You’re a human.  You and I judge other people.  Right?  We talked in the podcast on self-judging (Lighten up on yourself) that all humans are judgmental and that those thoughts are going to keep coming up, but we can soften them up and lessen them and note that they are just thoughts and choose not to give thoughts that aren’t serving you power.  All we have to do to pull the plug on their power is to recognize when and how they come up for us. 

Usually, when we are judging someone, we are actually judging ourselves.  So, let that be a helpful indicator to you. You can start to notice when you are judging someone else and learn to drop it like a book.  Judging others means you are headed into comparison land and that is like in CandyLand where you get sent backwards to the start.  I hate it when that happens.  It feels really good sometimes to judge other people. It’s like that itch we gotta scratch.  Ooh, up to the right a little higher, that’s the spot.  But, recognize, this is going No-wheresville.  The reason is your judging means nothing to them and has zero effect on their life.  It’s a waste of your time. 

I don’t mean you shouldn’t have boundaries that keep you safe and in a healthy place. Also, I know that what other people say can be triggering in a good, bad or neutral way, so can trigger a thought that creates a feeling.  It’s the thought about what they said or what you are making it mean about yourself that creates whatever feeling you are having.

You don’t have to spend your time convincing people who you are and I would recommend not wasting time defending yourself.  Now, this depends on the circumstance, of course.  You can be clear with other people and set boundaries and decide maybe not to be friends with them and you don’t want to hang out because you have decided that you would rather find people to hang out with who are more in line with how you treat people.  That makes sense and you get to decide and love your choice.

Here are the three most helpful life coaching teachings I have learned and I’m telling you they are life changing! If you have a thought coming up that you are being judged, just ask yourself or consider challenging your current thinking and beliefs that aren’t serving you:

  1. What am I making it mean?  Why am I giving other people’s words, actions or what I think they are thinking about me power?
  2. Let them be who they are.  We can’t change other people.  So, let them be who they are. 
  3. Let them be wrong about you.  Don’t waste your time convincing or defending yourself.  You have an amazing life to live.  When you have your own back and fully love and accept yourself no matter what, you have self-love as your superpower!

The power is in you as an individual accepting yourself no matter what and power in a community that you seek out that fully loves and accepts you. 

When you wear that warm self-acceptance blanket and you have your mantra- I aM mE and I fully love and accept myself, there’s nothing you can’t do.  That’s available to you right now.

Self-Love Superpower,

Dr. Karla

Stop Self-Judging “You’re so judge-y I bet you think this song is about yourself.”

No before and no after. There’s only NOW!

It makes me about puke when people want to see my weight loss before and after pictures.  I’m not happy to show them, not because of the pictures or my weight, but because to what end?  Why is it anyone’s business?  It’s so weird if you think about it.  I don’t know.  Maybe they’re just curious? Maybe they think it’s such a huge relief for me that I was this “broken” person and now am “fixed” in their eyes.  Have I now arrived at a summit on top of a happy mountain and my life is now going to be full of ease and without suffering?  Nope. Nope. Nope. My weight has never defined me. I’m a human on a human journey having all of the human experiences in every moment. That’s it.  Simple.

So many things change in our lives and in our brains because of the minute-to-minute daily experiences and interactions living our human lives, it would be impossible to sum it all up in before and after photos. 

Our weight is a neutral circumstance, a measure on a scale that, unfortunately, in our society, is weaponized to mean something about us as individuals.  Spoiler alert:  we have a long way to go, but things are getting better!  In our society, everyone is so used to this topic being everywhere, we have become desensitized to our stigma and bias, which means we may not even notice when personal boundaries are violated.  For those of us who struggle with our weight, we’re so used to it, maybe we don’t even notice when we’re asked questions that really should be private health information.  Or, maybe we don’t want to be rude, so we answer the questions or laugh it off, or think if I just answer a question or two, then it will stop? What I just wrote makes my stomach hurt. 

On the other hand, in general, people operate with good intentions, so we can give people the benefit of the doubt that they are genuinely caring.  Plus, we all know that us doctors haven’t figured out how to have helpful conversations about weight in the clinic, so why are we surprised when people don’t have a clue how to talk about it in public?

We are so very far off about weight in our culture that it’s not that hard to see when people ask to see before pictures, they are truly clueless about what that is saying to those of us who were fine in our before bodies.  Sure, there were things we would rather not have had to deal with and maybe we weren’t truly happy about all of the things and our weight wasn’t exactly where we wanted it, but that’s always the case with all of life for every human.  There are always things we would change and wish were different in every moment of every day.  Shocker!  Not. Here’s the thing: we are never and were never and never will be broken.  If there is no before, then there’s no after. 

Maybe we can’t stop the questions, but we can show up and tend to causes and work towards our own amazing journey of self-discovery however we choose. Over time, we will make it a more just society and the stigma and shame and bias will get better.  I just know it.  I believe this with my whole heart.  It’s not going to happen overnight.  So, when someone asks you to see your before and after pictures, how do you want to show up?  Just say, there is only now and it’s a great day!

The reality is there are enough cool people out there right now who you can create your communities with, where you will find the support you need to reach all of your goals and dreams. Hint:  Join IME Community!!