Why Do We Overeat? IME Community Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 2

Why Do We Overeat? IME Community Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of the Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge (RYIR challenge).

The focus for Week 2 is to stop overeating and the power of choice. It’s all about individual autonomy. Sounds redundant!

Everyone asks me and I get a lot of emails and requests for coaching for adults. I get to help everyone with reversing insulin resistance and reaching health goals on TikTok and IG, but coaching teens is my favorite. It’s why I started IME Community and it’s my dream and vision. So, if you’re a teen 12 to 18 or a parent of a teen, check out IME Community and Join the Community to get life and weight coaching for teens, on Zoom with me! It’s only $24.95 per month.

I also coach parents to help support your teen’s health independence.

Here’s Where You Are Now

If you’ve done week 1 of the Reverse Your Insulin Challenge, awesome, and if you are getting started now, then, great. You can catch up easily. I would encourage you to get do Week 1 of the challenge because it sets the stage for a lot of the important goal slaying!

Ready for week 2?

I’ve got your back this week. We are going to learn why we overeat, how to stop overeating, and level up with food with the power of choice.

We all come in different shapes and sizes. Let’s celebrate that. What a boring world we would be living in if we bought into our society’s messed up external standards. For many of us, we want to create a healthier and more fun life for ourselves.

Why We Overeat

We have to take a look at the root causes of overeating. One of the simplest ways I’ve heard we are overweight is because we overeat.

That sounds so simple and we’re talking reversing insulin resistance which is more complex. To say we are overweight because we overeat is kind of like the old calories in calories out mentality that I keep encouraging us to stay away from.

There is so much cool science behind hunger and appetite and the hormones and neurotransmitters that keep our bodies at our current weight set point. That doesn’t mean we’re stuck. Genetics, including what we’re learning about epigenetics, our environment, and behavior all contribute to our health.

But, the reality is we do overeat and overeating is one of the contributors to weight gain. Everyone overeats sometimes. There’s no shame in it. I’ve really had so much desire to overeat in my life. I still have it at times.

There are many factors that contribute to why we are overweight. We are not cause-and-effect machines. I’m going to talk about how to get to the root cause of our overeating and ask that you create some self-discovery and self-awareness, which is the most powerful thing ever we could do.

So why do we overeat? We overeat because we have over-desire. I did a few TikTok videos on this and specifically on what I think are the top three reasons we over-desire food. I want you to spend some time on this because I had many more than three reasons, but I picked out what I believe are all of our top three reasons.

Why do we over-desire food?

We are conditioned to over-desire and overeat food because of the added sugars in our foods and beverages and all of the marketing. This is brain science. Please have grace and compassion for yourself.
We haven’t been taught the skill or given permission to allow or feel our emotions. Instead, we are taught there is something wrong and we fix or numb out with food.

We are stuck in fixed and limited diet culture and thinking which drives a restriction and indulgence cycle and creates over-desire for foods our society tells us are “bad”.

One of the ways to get out of our over-desire for food that causes us to overeat is to recognize that you always have the power of choice. You get to own your power to make choices that serve you and your health goals. Individual autonomy means you are deciding for yourself and that means you are owning your choice.

In week 2, I’m going to help you level up with food choices and you always get to decide! Let’s go!

The Week 2 Reverse Your Insulin Challenge Daily Planner

Monday Motivation: I would love for you to enjoy food and eat food that serves your body and your health goals. This all starts with self-love, which I believe is the only superpower you need. Self-love starts with full or unconditional self-acceptance.

I would love for you to check out the IME 5 steps to full self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is always available to you. It doesn’t even take action. Just take your warm self-acceptance blanket and wrap it around yourself whenever you need it. Say to yourself, I fully love and accept myself. I accept that I am worthy of my healthy life. I accept I have the power to choose what I want!

  • What are the reasons I overeat?
  • What relationship do I want with food?
  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how important is it for me to make changes in how I am eating?
  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how confident am I that I can make changes in how I am eating?
  • What’s in my way?

Tuesday Tracking: Today is when you level up (gamer talk) with the power of choice! Woot! Woot!

All levels are taking massive action. Where are you on your stage of change and what makes sense to you?

  • Level up with mindful eating- hunger scale pre and post meals
  • Plan one day ahead of time, gather data, simple eating guidelines
  • Level up to crush your sugary beverage habit and drink more water- replace with the positive and create SMART goals
  • Level up to healthful balanced meals where you keep it simple-transition to eating complex carbohydrates (like vegetables and whole grains) instead of simple sugary carbs that keep us in craving mode and increase insulin resistance. Make sure you are eating protein and healthy fat whenever you eat.
  • Want to level up to trend low-carb? At this level, you are ready to remove flour and sugar and create a low-carb lifestyle. Keep it really simple and take out flour and sugar from what you usually eat for meals. Don’t overconsume recipes. Instead, just think of low-carb substitutions.

Wednesday Wisdom: What to expect? Your brain is going to tell you to eat sugary foods. That’s what happens when we are conditioned or habituated to eating sugary foods. There’s nothing wrong. It’s okay. It’s transitional.

You may feel more emotional or irritable because your body and brain are used to numbing out and getting dopamine zings. This is an opportunity to create self-awareness. Go at your own pace. No timeline or urgency. It’s all learning.

Research shows practicing stimulus control and contingency management is helpful to keep you on track. That may mean removing sugary drinks at home, driving a different route home instead of by the fast food restaurant you go through after work, or recognizing the time of day when urges and cravings come up for you, and creating a pause and practicing self-compassion instead of resisting the urge and white-knuckling through it. Create plans A through G for your eating. You are making decisions ahead of time that will keep you on track.

Thursday Thoughts: Keep up with your daily thought downloads where you do a brain dump. Start noticing your three top feelings of the day. It’s our thoughts that create our feelings. What are your thoughts that are creating the top three feelings of the day? You may be judging yourself. Start creating awareness of self-judging and shaming. We have to bring this into the light to disrupt it.

Friday Fun: Do you have an active gratitude practice? Every day, write down three things you are grateful for in the morning and three amazing things that happened today before you go to bed. Cultivating an active gratitude practice creates a joyfully abundant life. We have to be intentional with the practice.

Saturday Success: You are worthy of your health goals. Some people I coach want to create a cheat day on the weekends. They spend a lot of the week creating more over-desire for the sugary foods they eat on the weekend and then end up binging. I would encourage you not to do this. When you make a decision and like your reasons and love your choice and it fits into your why and your future self, you can love your decision, have self-integrity, and create evidence that you can trust yourself to keep promises you make for yourself.

Sunday Strategy: Rest, relaxation, self-care, connect with nature. To set yourself up for success for week 3, I want you to calendarize (yes, this is a verb) self-care. My husband asked me if I wanted to get a massage and I said, “No, I’m really not into those.” Self-care for me is getting outside, writing, getting some time alone, eating yummy food, taking a shower. What does self-care mean to you? Get it on the calendar for week three.

Watch the Video Replay

Up Next: Week 3 – Coping with Food Cravings and Urges

Previous: Week 1 – Introduction

The IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge: Week 1 – Introduction

The IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge: Week 1 – Introduction

Welcome to the IME Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge (RYIR)! It’s the Kick Yourself in the RYIR Challenge! Yes, my children who are 20, 17, and 14 are making fun of the name. That’s their job to make fun of their Mom.

I’m so excited! I’m having a blast with this. I’m sharing with you all of the details starting with this podcast and YouTube video, which I will be doing weekly, so make sure you like and subscribe to the IME Community YouTube channel and podcast on Apple or Spotify. Make sure you follow @imecommunity on TikTok and/or ime_community on IG. Starting Monday, I will be posting a daily video and do TikTok Lives daily. Teens, 12 to 18, and parents of teens, you can have me as your life coach, so go ahead and Level Up and join the IME Member Community. I created accessibility for The membership, which is only $24.95/month. I coach parents of teens to support their teen’s health independence, in the member community, so awesome deal for the whole family.

About the Reverse Your Insulin Resistance Challenge

First, I am not your doctor or life coach. Go to your doctor. Go to your therapist, dietitian, all the things.

You will learn a lot. This is a fun challenge. I will not be giving you medical advice. I encourage you to go to your doctor, to address diagnoses related to weight first, and to go to your therapist, have your own coach, all the things. This will be a fun adjunct.
What about fitness? Keep doing what you are doing. I believe in all movement counts fitness. Sometimes, at least I know I was, stuck in thinking about exercise the same way I thought about food. So, movement counts. You are an exerciser no matter how much you are moving.

It’s on TikTok, and I will share on my other platforms, is 12 weeks, starting this Monday, so get excited. It’s 12 weeks because that’s what it takes to create a habit stick.
Here’s what I focus on: self-love superpower or the tools of self-compassion; the science behind how to reverse your insulin resistance; and the coaching tools you need to get the goal.

Why Managing Insulin Resistance Is Important

Why? You can listen to my weight loss journey podcast or watch the YouTube if you want. I think it’s episode 7. I also call that shamebuster because if a doctor like me who has done this work for a long time, can say how we’ve got it wrong, anyone can. When I went through my weight and life coaching journey, starting in September, 2017, I was shocked by how much we’ve gotten wrong when it comes to how we address weight loss treatment. I lost 57# in 11 months, but that wasn’t the real achievement. The real achievement for me, was first, that starting with my why, I felt a freedom from thinking about food and my weight. I felt like I was enjoying the moments of my life with a new presence and meaning. Transparency is also very important to me, so not wanting to hide in shame about my weight or going through the fast-food drive thru was important. I wanted to learn to eat foods that fuel my body and never be ashamed of what I was eating. I had also been working to address the childhood obesity epidemic for a long time. Here’s the deal. There’s no summit. There’s no arrival. It’s progress not perfection. It’s all learning. The only summit is the daily intentional practice. One of the other things I learned is what works and where we’ve gone wrong and so I started to bring coaching and The Obesity Code into my clinical practice. Health systems aren’t ready for that. They want the status quo. So, I left and invested in becoming a life and weight coach, took my Obesity Medicine Boards, and created IME Community.

Why Is There an Obesity Epidemic?

Where have we gone wrong? First, look for the singular cause of the obesity epidemic, and it’s our food system with the added refined sugars and ultra-processed foods, food companies have an addiction business model like big tobacco, and combined with the stress of life and then add in fixed and limited diet culture, and we can all easily see why and how we’ve gotten nowhere with addressing the obesity epidemic or helping individuals, which is where I believe the power is. My vision is to create community with compassionate connection, and all of you IME Community Followers are a part of the Community looking to create a healthier path for all of us, but especially for our children and teens. Let’s not let another entire generation of children be stuck in what doesn’t work, and now with pandemic weight gain, our timeliness couldn’t be better.

We are not addressing the core issue, which is insulin resistance.

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance is the daptation of our body to constantly high levels of insulin. There are two components, family history and genetics, and the CHO-rich food system we are conditioned to eat. Obesity is hormonal and not caloric. Not all calories are created equal. Calories in, Calories out. Our body weight is at a set point. Insulin Resistance is the Lex Luther in our Superman movie.

How Do I Know if I Have Insulin Resistance?

If you want to read The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung or listen to the audio version which is what I did, I believe you will really find it helpful.
As I launched IME Community, I got on TikTok, and had 5 followers and posted a few videos. Then, video 19, I dueted a post and called out weight stigma and bias in healthcare and it went viral. Then, nothing much after that. So, I started quick weight loss tip videos and my only goal has been to get to 1k TikTok followers so I could do Lives and coach.

How Does the Reduce Your Insulin Resistance Challenge Work?

Week 1, let’s get this party started! The theme of this week is to take action.

Action is how we learn and discover ourselves, grow and evolve, but only if we are creating awareness and putting in the thought work along the way. Action will not be served up to us or delivered in a nice little package. It doesn’t matter what action you decide to take. Just take action and commit to loving your decision. If self-doubt, fear of failure, imposter syndrome, beliefs about your past self are coming up, there’s nothing going wrong. That’s just what our brains do when we decide to take action.

What to expect? Weekly podcasts, Daily videos and TikTok Live coaching sessions. Each week has a theme and builds on itself. Get a spiral notebook or binder to keep track
How to prepare: Make sure you are Following IME Community on TikTok and other platforms. Go to the website: imecommunity.com and get on the email list, podcast and YouTube. I’ll do some IG Live coaching sessions as the audience on IG builds.

Calendarize your time to cultivate a goal you set for yourself. Show up to create results. Watch the video, show up for the TikTok Live, ask your coaching questions, post your wins, and share challenges. Get an accountability partner or partners to help keep each other accountable and on track. You will learn a lot more when you do that. There’s science behind this.

The first week, we are focused on taking action and then starting to plan one day ahead of time, but won’t be focusing on food changes, more like getting an assessment of where you are. Don’t send me your food. I don’t care what you eat. This is you figuring this out. You own this. You can ask me questions, but I don’t give grocery lists.
Be a curious observer of your mind! You are creating self-awareness.

Monday Motivation: What do you want? What’s your desired outcome? What’s your why? What’s your commitment? What do you have to lose if you don’t take action? What will you gain if you take action? What’s in your way?

Tuesday Tracking: Let’s learn to make decisions ahead of time. Making decisions from your higher brain, executive functioning or pre-frontal cortex means you won’t be making impulsive in the moment decisions about food. Plan one day ahead what you will eat and just write down what you are eating on a typical day. We are only learning to plan one day ahead and show up for a plan we created for ourselves. If you want to write your food down at the end of the day, that’s fine too. It’s data.

Wednesday Wisdom: Are you owning your health power? Have you seen your doctor, had your labs, and know your risk factors for insulin resistance? You’re not stuck, even if you have a strong family history or have had insulin resistance for a long time. You can optimize your health. It’s good to have a baseline and embed goals in reality.

Thursday Thoughts: Start daily thought downloads or brain dumps for a few minutes. What are your beliefs about your past self? What about your health now? Your weight now? What are your beliefs about your past weight loss? What are you making it mean about you and achieving your health goals now?

Friday Fun: Here’s my favorite work. Visualize your Future Self who has arrived at your goal! How do you feel as your Future Self? That feeling is what drives the actions to create your results. Our thoughts create our feelings, so, what is a thought that creates that feeling? Think of three Future Self guidewords that motivate you. Mine are Funny, Unapologetic, Firestarter. What are yours? Put them on a post-it note and stick them everywhere and look at them every day.

Saturday Success: How do you measure success? You get to decide. How do you celebrate in ways that don’t involve food? We are learning to lead an exciting life and be in the moment and eat food that fuels our exciting life. (Geneen Roth eating guidelines)

Sunday Strategy: Spend some time reflecting on the past week. What was hard? What was easy? What are you proud of? Remember, to practice self-compassion. Now, put week 2 on your calendar!

Watch the Video Replay

What’s Next in the Reverse Your Insulin Challenge?

Next Up – Week 2: Why do we overeat?

Self Love Superpower Mantras – January 2022

Self Love Superpower Mantras – January 2022

Do you have one of those tear-off sheet daily calendars full of motivational quotes?  

I just love them, though I sometimes forget to tear off the sheet for the day, or the week, so I go back and look at them a week or month at a time. It’s like Christmas morning!

My dearest friend and fellow creative and I exchange calendars every year and share the quotes that stick with us.  

She may text me:

“Check this one out.  I was in a funk of self-doubt and fear of failure, but now I know that just means I’m pushing myself!”   

See how that works?  

One quote, I call them mantras, and her brain is transformed and she’s back into action and out of the stuck thought pathway her brain was attached to. 

Teens really connect with mantras and are seeking the self-love superpower approach that only IME Community offers.

What Is a Mantra?

So, what’s a mantra?

man·tra (straight out of google)



  1. (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
    “a mantra is given to a trainee meditator when his teacher initiates him”
  2. a statement or slogan repeated frequently.
                          “the environmental mantra that energy has for too long been too cheap”

A Year of Self Love Superpower Mantras, Starting Now

Welcome to a year of self-love superpower mantras posted daily to IME Community social media, TikTok (of course) and IG and FB! Like and share the IME Community social media platforms, please! 

I write and post these on the daily based on what I’m seeing on IME Community social media platforms and from coaching teens and parents.  

Self Love Superpower Daily Mantra Tear-Off Sheets Coming by the End of 2022

By the end of 2022, IME Community will have its own daily tear off sheet calendar full of self-love superpower mantras! 

Here are the January IME Community Mantras:

A month of Self- love superpower mantras to manifest your Health Dreams & Goals  in 2022!

  • 1/1 My past self doesn’t dictate my future self.
  • 1/2 I am worthy of my dreams.
  • 1/3 When I show up as my true authentic self, my life is magic.
  • 1/4 My body is not a problem I need to fix or solve.
  • 1/5 Society does not control my body’s narrative, I do.
  • 1/6 My over desire for food is a conditioned brain pathway.
  • 1/7 Today, I start healing from years of self-loathing.
  • 1/8 My definition of health isn’t a number on a scale.
  • 1/9 My exciting life is nourished with delicious quality food.
  • 1/10 I am excited to permanently cancel diet culture from my life.
  • 1/11 Any step is a good step.
  • 1/12 My cure for self-doubt and fear of failure is to keep taking action!
  • 1/13 I can be body positive in a body negative world.
  • 1/14 I am worthy of achieving my health goals.
  • 1/15 Every day on this beautiful earth is a gift.
  • 1/16 I love and accept myself now and when I cross the finish line.
  • 1/17 I’m willing to let go of victim patterns and own my goals.
  • 1/18 When I fail, I don’t make it mean I’m a failure.
  • 1/19 My success in life has nothing to do with a number on a scale.
  • 1/20 I create a safe space for my emotions.
  • 1/21 I was not created to live my life stuck in diet culture.
  • 1/22 To break free from binging, I have to trust myself.
  • 1/23 What I eat today and how much I eat today do not define me.
  • 1/24 I can create food boundaries without restriction or deprivation.
  • 1/25 I am worth my self-work.
  • 1/26 There’s nothing going wrong when I feel a negative emotion.
  • 1/27 I ignore haters, especially the troll in my head.
  • 1/28 I’m letting go of my pursuit of thinness and diet culture’s thin privilege.
  • 1/29 I believe it’s possible to create healthy pathways in my brain.
  • 1/30 I believe it is possible to create a balance with food. 
  • 1/31 When I feel self-doubt and fear of failure, I know I’m pushing myself.

Which ones stuck with you? Get them on a post-it note and put them where you can see them every day.  Write your own self-love superpower mantras! 

You are worthy of self-love. 

Join IME Community to Level Up Your Self Love Superpower

To Level Up on your self-love superpower toolkit, Join IME Community for my coaching on zoom! Off to write more mantras!

Self-love superpower, 

Dr. Karla, ActivistMD